单词 hurry for 例句大全,用单词hurry for造句:

Please hurry were a bit pressed for time.
If you hurry, you'll be in time for the bus.
Hurry and get up or you'll be late for work again.
We have to hurry, or we shall be late for the bus.
我们必须快点, 要不就赶不上汽车了。
I got a present for my baby granddaughter in a hurry.
Where do you head for in such a hurry against your wish?
Hurry up!Otherwise we'll be late for the opening ceremony.
If you don't hurry, don't blame me for what happens to you.
Some people, for example are aggressive and always in a hurry.
举例来说, 有的人总是一副紧张兮兮的样子。
Grave Digger But for now, you must hurry, Athens needs you.
Hao, no hurry, work on the logo and offer suggestions for my advice.
王浩, 不急, 进行标志的构思并提供建议来徵求我的指点。
Hurry had a respectable reputation for prowess among his associates.
赫利在和他相识得人中, 素有勇敢豪侠得名声。
Please hurry up command to save at least half an hour for other dry run.
She watched Laura hurry up the path. She drove about aimlessly for a while.
He had a bowl of fried liver for breakfast, and then left for work in a hurry.
For a start, there would be less of a sense of hurry to achieve and succeed right now.
Then we in a hurry slept for a little times and ate few dry ration food to add physical strength.
然后我们匆匆睡了一点时间, 吃了少许干粮补充体力。
If you're in a hurry, place it in an airtight bag and immerse in a bowl of cold water for an hour.
如果你很急, 就把鱼放在密封袋里浸在一碗冰水里一个小时。
The chair carriers have to get there in time for lunch, so you'd better hurry up and get ready to go.
Try to have compassion for the person and remember how painful it is to be in such an enormous hurry.
And the biggest consequence of walking on crutches as I did for a year and a half is that you walk slower. You hurry.
It's time to sign up for school soon, but Xiao Qiang still hasn't got enough tuition money, so he went to borrow money in a hurry.
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