单词 flipped 例句大全,用单词flipped造句:

One morning I woke up early and flipped on a movie channel.
一天早上我醒来很早, 顺手摇开了一家电影屏道。
Then she flipped the cassette over and turned up the volume.
Except that the texture is flipped at every integer junction.
She flipped to the index and found the information she needed.
她翻到索引, 找到了所需的资料。
I grinned to myself as I flipped through the rest of the paper.
He flipped over the piece of paper to see what was written back.
In the example used here it would be better flipped upside down.
在例子用在这里, 它会更好地翻转了过来。
When I told John that I was getting a divorce, he flipped his lid.
And then at the top suddenly flipped over and was hanging head down.
在顶端时突然翻转过来, 头朝下吊着。
Video can be resized, flipped, rotated and mirrored using the editor.
The wind flipped trucks in Colorado and blinding conditions in Montana.
There were rigs crushed, paramedic trucks covered with rubble, flipped.
She flipped over the page to see that it was from Dr Treweek of Gogong.
她猝然翻转信笺, 看到这封信来自戈岗的特里威克大夫。
The plane stalled, flipped over onto its back and crashed near the farm.
飞机熄火, 翻了过来, 坠毁在农场附近。
The MTJ is essentially a small magnet whose direction is easily flipped.
The plane stalled, flipped over onto its back and crashed on the mountainside.
This picture should be processed by photo software and be flipped horizontally.
When a spring, beside the stand, is flipped, It knocks the card out from under the ball.
A lorry driver narrowly escaped with his life after the lorry flipped over the embankment.
卡车冲出筑堤, 司机险些丧命。
The miter saw was set to 15 degrees and after each cut the board was flipped and cut again.
Snape flipped out his wand and transformed the firearm into an umbrella to prevent accidents.
What if we took the idea of building the fastest and lightest bike, and flipped it on its head.
It is possible to have multiple switches flipped, putting the corresponding resistors in parallel.
这实现了多样的开关翻转, 同时安排好相应的电阻器。
The sheets of paper, covered with the traces of ink from his pen, flipped by one by one as he gathered his courage and continued writing.
The waggle dancers depend upon a vertical dancing platform for direction and orientation, but Dr. Dornhaus flipped some beehives on their sides at her study site among agricultural fields in Germany.

单词 flipped 释义

  • 单词释义:轻弹( flip的过去式和过去分词 );按(开关);快速翻转;急挥  [更多..]



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