单词 glance about 例句大全,用单词glance about造句:

At first glance when first seen or thought about
At first glance, Vodafone has nothing to complain about.
乍看之下, 沃达丰是没什么可抱怨的了。
At first glance, you may feel confused about the image and the meaning.
AT FIRST glance, Nokia, the worlds biggest handsetmaker, seems to be lurching about.
Concerned about the growth of funds and increased funds for the color display, at a glance.
关注基金和增长率升高的基金换颜色显示, 一目了然。
People who would not normally give me a second glance were coming up to chat, wanting to know more about me.
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单词 glance about 释义



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