单词 glance to 例句大全,用单词glance to造句:

At first glance, it would be tempting to agree.
At first glance the question might appear to be superfluous.
乍一看, 这个问题显得很多余。
He snot on enquiring glance at her to see if she agreed with him.
他以征询的目光看了她一眼, 看看她是否同意他的意见。
Although at first glance Listing 1 might appear to be correct, its buggy.
It is a good idea to have a glance at the alchemistic tradition and its methods.
At first glance, these measurements do not appear to be such a bad story after all.
乍看起来, 这些测量值看起来并不是非常糟糕。
Still, doubting altruism is easy, even when it seems at first glance to be apparent.
尽管如此, 质疑利他主义还是很容易, 即便它一目了然。
The minister appeared to see him, with the same glance that discerned the miraculous letter.
Aegeus hastily embraced his wife and son, and without a backward glance he departed to his ship.
Every page requires a second or third glance to identify whether it's editorial content or advertisement.
The Bishop cast a glance round the apartment, and seemed to be taking measures and calculations with his eyes.
主教把那间厅周围望了一遍, 象是在用眼睛测算。
The young woman grew deadly pale, and cast an apprehensive glance upon Maitre Pierre, in whom the bravado of the young gallant seemed only to excite laughter, more scornful than applausive.
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