单词 tempting 例句大全,用单词tempting造句:

The right side of the equal sign is a tempting trap which is prescribed by the merchants.
These dishes look very tempting, but of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
这些菜看上去令人馋涎欲滴, 但布丁好不好, 吃了才知道。
so tempting to watch the next ep! ! urh, singapore next week only third episode! !
As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side, it is tempting fate.
Developers find it tempting to use these convenient classes liberally throughout an application.
Our all day dining room set among the serenity of our gardens and lotus pond offer taste tempting.
我们每天都在饭厅集园林, 安宁的莲花池, 提供美味诱人。
An idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him.
an idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him.
In a marriage, it can be tempting to decide that maybe the grass would be greener in other pastures.
在婚姻, 可以诱人的决定, 也许基层将在其他牧场绿化。
It is often tempting to persuade a developer or a development manager so they agree to reuse a software asset.
I cant recall the details, which have blurred over time into a haze of tempting aromas and Old Master colours.
Store cards offer a tempting way to get a discount on your shopping, but they come with high interest charges.
Curtains do not cover windows and instead just act as a role of vague concealment, a concealment which seems so inviting and tempting.
窗帘并不盖没窗户,只隐约遮掩 多么引诱挑逗的遮掩!
Things tempting we must not dally with, but flee from them with speed.Better be sneered at as a Puritan than be despised as a hypocrite.
情愿被人讥评为清教徒, 也勿使人蔑视为假冒为善的人。
For those who believed the West to be shamefully materialist or unduly forgiving of the Nazi past, it was tempting to admire the guile of one who so often humiliated it.

单词 tempting 释义

  • 单词释义:吸引人的;诱人的  [更多..]



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