单词 tenant 例句大全,用单词tenant造句:

Coordinate the meetings with lessor, tenant, partner and relevant organizations 4.
协调与业主方, 承租人, 合作伙伴及相关组织的会晤
Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant.
Often the tenant had to commit degrading acts just to satisfy his landlord's whims.
My father is a tenant-famer, who has cultivated land for the landlord all his life.
You will become the first user for the tenant and the default account administrator.
Very clean and you will share the kitchen, toilet and bathroom with only one tenant.
said payment shall be deemed to have been made on behalf of the named Tenant herein.
In this model, there are some configuration elements that are unique to each tenant.
在这个模型中, 有一些配置元素对于每个租户是独特的。
Our canvass of the apartment didnt yield a single clue to the identity of our tenant.
Homage was accordingly the acknowledgment of the bond of tenure between lord and tenant.
A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.
协议中有一条规定, 承租人负担建筑物的修理费。
The tenant is discontented with the content of the agreement for renting the tennis tent.
The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant.
The rent of requisitioned premises is fixed by agreement between the landlord and the tenant.
Occasionally, a tenant would hear a cry or the thump of a falling object on the second floor.
偶尔, 租客会听到了一声或一个物体坠落在二楼扑腾。
The matter in dispute between landlord and his tenant was too trifling to be brought into court.
As the leasing contract has not yet expired, the tenant is preferential terms to attract tenants.
A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall bear the cost of all repairs the building.
和约中有一条规定, 客房将负但修理房屋里全部费用。
The grateful tenant was released and borrowed money from the kindly landlord to pay for the banquet.
Conduct tenant relations as it relates to building operations, comfort and maintaining customer satisfaction.
The interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property.
A new Tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant.
Security deposits need not be claimed as income if you intend to return the deposit to the tenant at the end of the lease term.
押金不是收入, 如果你计划在租赁期满退还给租户。
I have aleady filled up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties, the landlord and the tenant.
The tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises.

单词 tenant 释义

  • 单词释义:房客;佃户;<律>占用者;占有者  [更多..]



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