单词 night work 例句大全,用单词night work造句:

My mom was recommending my brother to work honestly when I came home last night.
In his semifinal bout Friday night, Zou showed a canny ability to work the crowd.
We were so busy at work during Spring Festival that we had to work day and night.
This position requires the candidate to be able to work both day and night shifts.
Mr George has been hard at work on his typewriter all night, banging out a report.
乔治先生整夜都在忙着, 用打字机打一份报告。
If you work hard at other times you won't have to sit up all night before the exam.
你要是平时努力学习, 考前就不用整晚开夜车了。
One night when I went home from work, I saw many c and les lighting up the corridor.
一天晚上我下班回家, 看见楼道里燃着很多蜡烛。
You work day and night, very difficult to do selects adult to want the dry matter truly.
We with blizzard is close cooperate, believe we work in ground of day after night please.
我们正与暴雪密切配合, 请相信我们在日以继夜地工作。
He has stayed up late at night to do extra work for several days, so he is very sleepy now.
Excuse me, professor. But I get to ask. How can solar energy work at night or on cloudy days.
People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
I no longer have the stamina to work all night. You need stamina to be a longdistance runner.
做长跑运动员, 你得有耐力。
I spent the middle of that night scribbling out the details and convincing myself it would work.
我花了一个午夜描画出细节, 并确信那是可以做得到的。
The mine manager didn't care at all about his employees'safety and made them work day and night.
Furthermore, workers who perform night work are now guaranteed medical attention free of charge.
The mine manager didn't care at all about his employees' safety and made them work day and night.
As a railway worker, he washed his work clothes the same night in order to wear them the next day.
Can be used for night work , night fishing , household use, automotive, roadside emaergencies.
When I drove the car home at night and found that the lights didnt work, I realized that Id been sold a pup.
But solar power doesn't work at night unless energy is stored, and the planes are too light to carry batteries.
Every time he returned home from work at night, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighbours.
They had to work from early morning until late at night for a wage barely enough to keep body and soul together.
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单词 night work 释义

  • 单词释义:夜工,夜间工作  [更多..]



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