单词 night school 例句大全,用单词night school造句:

They had established even more night school than last year in this year.
My sister just graduated from high school. Graduation was held last night.
The night school offers courses on both secondary school and college levels.
The school regulates that students must go to sleep before 11 o clock at night.
The reason why I was late for school is that I forgot to set the clock last night.
After leaving school and studying art at night, he sold newspaper and delivered mail.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but your school's team didn't win last night.
我讨厌做那个煞风景的人, 但是你学校的队伍昨晚没赢。
More and more people continue their education by attending night school in recent years.
I know, but Im going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management.
我知道, 但是我想报读夜校, 参加企业管理的课。
People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
With all the night school courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training.
This year, for many parents, there are some new things to remember: the teacher's e-mail address, the school's website and which night online homework help chat will be offered.
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