单词 track up 例句大全,用单词track up造句:

But to reach that platform would require crossing the railway track and doing some climbing up and down.
He pulled up before the second hurdle with an apparent injury to his left leg. He limped off the track slowly.
在第二个栏后, 他由于左腿受伤离开了跑道。
The track record we have built up over the 40 years since our foundation is an ample testament to the reliability of our products.
It sucks this ended up being a throwaway track, it would have really fit the album! I heard the record label was asking for 100% on royalties to clear the sample.
Such endangers expressing The dray is nibbleed the track, The sedan is clambered the slope and is glided the bus, Geing up weight drops, The mishap even to the extent that happen, Harm security 。.
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单词 track up 释义

  • 单词释义:<主美,非正>踩脏…  [更多..]



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