单词 order of 例句大全,用单词order of造句:

My country is in favour of free trade in order to achieve development and the eradication of poverty.
All graduates will be instructed to line up in alphabetical order of surnames and programmes studied.
The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
We acknowledge receipt of your favour of the 10th July, and thank you for the order you have given us.
Research and Improvement of the Arrangement and Consultation in Acronym of Phonetic Alphabetical Order
The aromatic order and close electron stubsfitute activeness of several kinds of heterocyclic compounds
Analysis of Proper Application of the Principle of Public Order and Good Social Customs to Adjudication
Arranged alphabetically in the order of the Arabic alphabet according to the names of the Member States
In order to make the prescript of this accusal more strict, we should make necessary modifications of it.
Ticheting and labeling verify accurate ticketing of shoes and labeling of cartons against confirmation order
Third, adhere to the idea of the poem speech will, in order to enrich the subject matter and content of the prose.
Analytical expressions of axial third order chromatic dispersion aberration coefficients of circular electric field
The agreement on the repayment of debt shall be legally effective upon the approval by an order of the maritime court.
受偿协议经海事法院裁定认可, 具有法律效力。
Freemasonry refers to the principles, institutions, and practices of the fraternal order of the Free and Accepted Masons.
On the organs imposing the administrative penalty of order for suspension of production or business in fire protection law
The order of Casson yield stress was Anguilla japonica Temminck et SchlegelCtenopharyngodon idellus Ophiocephalus argus Cantor.
The forces of law and order were increased immediately with a view to ensuring the security and safety of the accredited embassies.
Caterina first met Abel Nightroad when he saved her from a group of vampires who attempted to kill her by order of the Contra Mundi.
又生了该隐的弟弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的, 该隐是耕地的。
With careful observation, the Allies were able to determine the serial numbers had a pattern denoting the order of tank production.
WO closing means to calculate the balance of input and output and close the order by each order in accordance its status of completion.
指根据每批产, 派工指令完成情况, 进行核算及小结。
Any nuclear disarmament policy, in order to be reliable, must involve abandonment of the policy of deterrence and the doctrine of force.
The Scientific Concept of Education Must Be Formed in Order to Enhance the Pertinency and Actual Effect of Ideological and Political Work
The Research on Literature and Order of Prescriptions and Herbs, Syndromes and Treatment of Spotting during Pregnancy and Fetal Irritability.
Or inchoate make anteroom puncture, amine of acyl of nitrogen of vinegar of Yi Ke profess to convinced in order to reduce intraocular pressure.
或早期作前房穿刺, 亦可口服醋氮酰胺以降低眼压。
Judges of the commercial court have the novel power to adjourn proceedings for 26 days in order to allow the dispute to be referred to a process of arbitration.
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