单词 shift away 例句大全,用单词shift away造句:

The shift away from manufacturing is also a factor.
We need to permanently shift power away from the dictator.
The shift is away from the medical model that focuses only on the individual.
The younger brothers had to shift for themselves after their parents passed away.
There's been a dramatic shift away from traditional careers towards business and commerce.
Such a shift would chip away at what has been a substantial source of dollarbuying in recent years.
Such circumstances may cause a shift away from traits that lure insects, and enhance those that seduce the wind.
这种环境下, 植物就有了从引诱昆虫到招引风的转变。
Furthermore, the larger the leakage is farther away from the center of the lateral junction, the larger the vertical shift is.
而且, 漏电流越远离结的中心, 偏移量越大。
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