单词 shift out 例句大全,用单词shift out造句:

to shift before going out
The drawing may shift and the page may zoom out.
The shift out of times brings changes to your life
Cops have to clean out their cars after every shift.
He pulled her out of the fire by covering her shift.
通过掩盖她得改变, 他使她转败为胜。
do not shift out life, do not hide, oppress or close in yourself.
She pulled a soiled shift down over her head and shook her hair out.
她把一件脏裙子从头上套了进去, 再从领口甩出长发。
The supply curve will also shift out due to improvements in technology.
When you try to shift out of your comfort zone you start feeling doubtful.
There was shift in investments out of equities and into more liquid assets.
They still shift the point of consciousness out of the body, albeit obtusely.
它们仍然将意识点转移至体外, 尽管很笨拙。
So lets figure out now who is affected by a paradigm shift in the computing industry?
Make shift coffins occasionally weaved in and out of the crowds of people, carried by groups of men.
After whole lines have been read out with the parallel shift arrays, the charges reach a serial shift array.
Mr. Willingham was riding out of the mine in a rail car at the end of his Monday shift when the explosion struck.
爆炸发生时, 贝尼正准备下早班, 坐着轨道车出矿。
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