单词 to the ground 例句大全,用单词to the ground造句:

Drop the smelly flesh on the ground to abandon!
The children lined up on the ground according to height.
However, the area is adjacent to the ground floor lockdown.
Studios are accessible to disabled persons on the ground floor.
The surfaces are precision ground to fit accurately with the disc.
The analysis of an accident due to ground brick arching and deal with it
Freezing enemy maneuver gave the proxy ground troops the ability to mass.
冻结敌行动, 使代理人部队能够集结。
They refused to accept the proposal on the ground do more harm than good.
The patch panel allows easy access to all cable and ground line conductors.
In addition, aerosols can decrease the intensity of inversion close to ground.
The figure and ground in EFSs activate each other to form the cognition on EFSs.
Paul and Arthur and Annie expected everybody to bow to the ground in admiration.
Once, accidentally let fall to the ground chemicals, causing the train explosion.
一次, 不小心让化学物品摔落到地上, 引起了火车爆炸。
I accidentally dropped my watch to the ground from the balcony on the third floor.
Don''t spit out your gum on the ground. It may adhere to the sole of someone''s shoe.
不要随地乱吐香口胶, 那会粘到别人鞋底上的。
There is an argument to express them in ground level abundance of the respective elements.
Usually it is hard for small amounts of water to seep down into the ground and be absorbed.
Spring gaskets should be added to the ground points, and the connection should be fastened.
各接地连接点应加弹簧垫片, 连接紧固可靠。
Really want to see you embrace to rise in the hands of the ground strongly absolute being cup.
The floor of this house is full of ground beetles due to the absence of people for a long time.
The tortoise is dark sigh impolitic, be forced to abandon turtle shell, one pace ground climbed score.
乌龟暗叹失策, 只好舍弃龟壳, 一步一步地爬到了终点线。
The Su proper Er admires a body not from F ground Zhan because a while, she is truly very somnolent to feel.
With his head stuck on the ground, the poor man acknowledged her kindness and beckoned the woman to go away.
When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off her donkey and bowed down before David with her face to the ground.
But their practical experiences on the ground have enabled them to acquire expertise and to build their capacities.
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