单词 to the life 例句大全,用单词to the life造句:

The pleasures of recollection, which are best enjoyed alone, are well suited to the aesthetic life.
快乐的回忆, 这是最好的享受, 仅适合的美学生活。
Facilitation of students adaptation to the campus life is also an important objective of the course.
After experiencing ups and downs in officaldom for so manys years, he has long accustomed to the life.
All five Holy Mountains, without a thought of distance, According to the one constant habit of my life.
Three years ago, we that have a childlike face have high aspirations and want to achieve the life span.
Song's struggling spirit of all his life to achieve the aim is worthwhile to be esteemed and commemorated.
It is that strong interest of life in a child that keep his life glisten compared to the life of an adult.
正因孩子对生命还有浓厚的兴趣, 所以他们的人生异常闪亮。
The underwriter realizes this and certainly does not set out to make life difficult for his agency colleagues.
Clinical Observations on Treatment of Impotence Due to Decline of the Fire from the gate of life by Acupuncture
It would be very advantageous to innovating life insurance products if the differential pricing is widely adopted.
The Thinking of Mean and Correctitude and Qu Yuan's Absolutization to the Relationship in Unity of Life and Moral.
The parlance that dies a soul to seek substitute to return a life time also is abandon gradually with the oblivion.
I found, do you want to do, for his own ideal adhere to struggle, you will be able to realize the value of your life!
做你想做, 为自己的理想奋斗, 你会实现自己的人生价值
Students are advised to register with a GP nearby.Student Life Campus social life revolves around the Students Union.
学校有许多运动俱乐部, 是英国大学运动协会的一员。
The worlds first advert to extraterrestrial life is to be broadcast, a British potato chip company announced recently.
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the Life Book in hell.
This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the life book in hell.
They can have unpredictable days and may not be acknowledged for all of the work that they do to make life easier for everyone else.
And I see that opting out that happens in childhood, and it moves in and becomes more ingrained, even by the time you get to adult life.
我发现这种童年时的改变 会变得越来越深刻 甚至直至成年
Chinese philosophy is"wisdom" literature, composed primarily of stories and sayings designed to move the audience to adopt a way of life.
This paper attempts to make an explanation to the acrobatic source from several aspects such as the primitive ancients'life and primitive religion.
Scholars of ancient times suggested that the emperor should adopt a policy of benevolence as a way to make people of all walks of life come and pledge allegiance to the country.
What is always difficult in life is not so much that we influence and change others, the most difficult question is to change yourself in accordance with the conditions that you confront.
Life Is Beautiful is the sixth film Benigni has directed, and his greatest success, taking 28 international prizes since its release in December 1997 in addition to the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes.
Man of benevolence and lofty ideals should not, at the expense of benevolence, cling cravenly to life instead of braving death. He will, on the contrary, lay down his life for the accomplishment of benevolence.
志士仁人, 无求生以害仁, 有杀身以成仁。
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单词 to the life 释义

  • 单词释义:逼真的,惟妙惟肖的  [更多..]



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