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By the way, I'm informed to shift my ship to the anchorage and wait for a free berth.
The Andes will gain elevation overlevel from the pole shift due to Pacific subduction.
因为极移造成了太平洋收缩, 安第斯山脉的海拔将会升高。
When his! plans miscarry. he always looks around for somebody to shift the blame onto.
The company reserves the right to arrange shift work for the workers and working hours.
For example, if George is transferred to the day shift, his attitude may become positive.
Thank god, they discovered the danger at the last moment, and made shift to avert it.
Old age, ride a double shift wins Yuci shadow performances, band prepared to do to adjust.
晚年, 搭榆次皮影胜二班演出, 对乐队编制做调整。
The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.
When we shift to avowed novels, the turnover of the generations is an astonishing feature.
Arrange and organize production on shift to fulfill the target of output, yield and quality.
However, this leads to higher spectral bandwidths, which increases the chemical shift artefact.
然而, 这会导致更高的频谱带宽, 增加了化学位移宝物。
Everyday, after four o'clock, I begin to watch the clock and hope my shift ends as soon as possible.
A shift also took place from the emphasis on the promotion of human rights to their actual protection.
Yet the shift to automated warfare may offer only a fleeting strategic advantage to the United States.
The spectral centroid shift of ultrasonic backscattering signals is introduced to assess cancellous bones.
The company reserves the right to put you on any shift duties and alter your working hours at its discretion.
Provide on the job training to technicians in proper techniques and procedures as assigned by shift supervisor.
The President is strongly opposed to anyone within or without the administration attempting to shift the responsibility.
They only know how to shift responsibility onto others; every time a task is assigned to them, their efficiency is terribly low.
Our world has stretched its borders and every person wanting to take advantage of that shift needs to know how to speak English.
It is anticipated that this shift shall be accomplished by 2012, and that after this time electrical pulsations shall begin to rapidly dwindle.
预期该转变将于2012年完成, 此后, 电流的振动将开始迅速弱化。
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单词 shift to 释义



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